Arab Veterinary Industrial Company (AVICO) was incorporated in 1978 with a view to develop the veterinary drug industry and provide professional, swift and competitive veterinary services. The company was established and its business thrived with the rise and thrive of the animal healthcare sector in Jordan, under a set of principles and values. The company gradually developed as a multi-activity accompany within its field, so to become AVICO that knows no limits. It vigorously practices it business through its branches and agents across the region. Due to the nature of the sector in which we operate, and its requirements as a rapidly growing industries which is at the same time subject to several limitations, the company today is present in more than 25 countries in which we operate under the name of AVICO, as we provide several services, such as product development, researches, quality control, and veterinary product and drug manufacturing and distribution.
Furthermore, we have registered product all over the world, in addition to highly qualified staff to ensure performance efficacy and efficiency.
CEO statement

Dear Sirs,
For more than 40 years, we strived for excellence. We believe that persistence on hard working gained us success and leading position. During these years, we managed to overcome many challenges that we countered throughout our long journey. We always aspire to maintain confidence and honesty with our clients and partners by providing quality products. In spite of our happiness and pride of the progress we have made, we still believe that there is a long way ahead of us to achieve more successes. The diversity of our products allowed us to expand to different world markets, as our products are available not in more than 25 countries worldwide. Again, we confirm that we will maintain quality and always support development of quality products to maintain the progress that we have made and meet the needs of our clients as required. We also aim at having a balance between affordance product prices without affecting the quality, and this is one of the principles that we are keen in the company to keep unchanged. Our employees are zealous youth who has the spirit of excellence and team work, which is one of the main factors in the equation of our achieved success and progress. We spend a lot of time in considering development and finding innovative solutions, and we are confident that this is the suitable framework to maintain our company and improve performance. I am looking forward, with my colleagues in the board of directors, to complete the march of achievement in a way ensuring success and leadership.
Thanking you for visiting our website.
Dr. Asad Badran / Chariman and CEO

Dr. Asad Badran / Chariman and CEO
Board Of Directors
The board of directors is composed of several businessmen with prolonged practical expertise in various fields, the most important of which is the veterinary medicine, management of specialized factories, modern marketing and other fields. The members of the board have advanced administrative and financial background. The board adopts policies based on openness and transparency, and it relies on a group of technical experts and technicians, as well as, marketing experts, to ensure realizing positive results consistent with the strategic plans.
Mission Vision & Values
To be notable pioneers in providing the market with quality general veterinary products and services at competitive prices. We work on achieving this through investment in highly skilled and creative manpower, towards whom we have an obligation to support and develop since they represent a vital element in realizing our vision.
To responsibly maintain production of veterinary products at the highest world health standards, to responsibly act towards our partners, to retain our administrative and technical staff, and to work through certain activities carried out by employees of the company on improve awareness and knowledge among clients and distributors in various countries.
Our basic values that we observe are summarized as follows:
- Quality: Total quality assurance process at all stages of developments.
- Honesty: Establishing the culture of honesty.
- Ongoing Development: Development is not a motto, but a way of life.
- Safety and Accuracy: by monitoring compliance with safety and security instruction to ensure positive results.
- Motivation: No limits to dreams and motivation.
- Strong Relations: Human capital is our strongest asset. AVICO always strives for maintain social relationships between its employees.
Fact Sheet
Business Name: Arab Veterinary Industrial Co. (AVICO)
Head Office Address: Nauor - Jordan
P.O. Box: 150906 Amman 11115 Jordan
E-Mail: info@avico.com.jo
Phone Number: +962 6 5727176
Website: www.avico.com.jo
Company Status: Private company with limited liability
General Manager: Mr. Yaser Badran
Chairman: Dr. Asad Badran